The 3 Different Types of Courage
I’ve been reflecting lately on the essential elements of leadership and I’d put courage near the top of the list.
Being a healthy, centered, and effective leader certainly requires courage. We usually think of courage in its broadest category: not as fearlessness, but acting even in the midst of fear. But recently I heard leadership consultant Patrick Lencioni share that there are three different and distinct types: public courage, interpersonal courage, and self-courage.
Public: what the world sees from us, where we stand up to do what’s right.
Interpersonal: navigate emotional, significant, or difficult conversations or conflict.
Self: steeling ourselves and eschewing the seemingly little temptations that come with leadership, where we could take the easier path, but choose to do the right thing.
I like Lencioni’s list a great deal. As I reflected, I quickly identified my top type, as well as the type where I need to grow more. What about you: which type comes easiest to you – and which one is most difficult?
Courageous leadership is required for the road ahead – all three types.