16 Suggested Rhythms for Burned Out Pastors and Leaders
Attend a small group you don’t lead.
Find a trusted Christian counselor.
Develop friends who don’t need you.
Give up reading how-to ministry/leadership books and read healthy ministry/leadership perspective books instead.
Journal (and be raw, blunt and honest as needed).
Talk about a clear understanding of what success - and failure - looks like with your leadership (if applicable).
Watch Dr. Brene Brown’s TED videos with your leadership - and spend time discussing it.
Secure a mentor, coach or spiritual director.
Talk it out. Cry. Weep. Yell.
Connect regularly with other pastors or leaders in your area with whom you can be honest with about ministry/leadership struggles.
Practice Sabbath.
Model the Go-First principle.
Participate in life-giving hobbies and activities.
Get out of the zip code for the day.
Avoid conferences and events that promote celebrities and highlight success.
Exercise and eat well.